SiriusXM Promo Code & Coupon Code March 2025

Make full use of this great opportunity to save money with SiriusXM Coupon Code and Coupon for almost every order you might make at Our SiriusXM Discount Code will let you seriously save on your SiriusXM purchase and grab up to 80% off in April 2025.

FAQs for Sirius XM

Can i try free for Sirius XM?

Yes, you can try free for 3 Months. No credit card required. See Offer Details below.

How do I change my subscription?

Log in to the Online Account Center and go to the My Subscriptions tab. Locate the radio/plan you’d like to change and select Change my subscription from the dropdown menu. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan with this option.

After accepting your new plan, request the activation signal online, or call 855-MY REFRESH (697-3373), so we can send the new channel lineup to your radio. Be sure to have your Radio ID handy.

Can I temporarily suspend my service?

You can temporarily suspend your subscription one time in any calendar year for a period of up to six months. A suspended subscription will automatically reactivate either on the date you request it to or the 6-month anniversary of the suspension request, whichever is earlier. If you request a service suspension while in a promotional period, this suspension will not change the promotion end date. Suspension requests cannot be completed online; you will need to call (866) 635-5027.

How do I pay my bill?

For a subscription purchased directly with SiriusXM either by phone or chat with a SiriusXM agent, or through, watch this short video, then log in to the Online Account Center. If you currently have a balance due, it will display in the Active Radios/Subscriptions section of the Billing Summary under the My Subscriptions tab. If you are within 60 days of your subscription renewal, this amount will also appear in the Billing Summary as the Next Payment Amount.

How do I download and update the SXM App?

Downloading and updating the SXM App is quick and easy. You can download the SXM App from the app store for your specific device from the following links:

iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

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